Domestic Violence Program for Men
VCS Number: (845) 634-5729
The Domestic Violence Program for Men is an additional disposition available to criminal and civil courts, probation, parole and child protective and social services. Referral sources use the program as a mechanism of accountability and monitoring in relation to men’s acts of domestic abuse against intimate female partners. This service provides ease of referral and assurance of meticulous and expeditious compliance reporting. For participants, it provides more than enough information for them to make personal transformation - from abuse to respect - a reality, if they wish to.
The program works in collaboration with local domestic violence programs in Orange and Westchester Counties and with the NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Courts and other referral sources refer for either fifty-two or twenty-six sessions, held remotely for 45 minutes.
For questions, or to make a referral, call the staff member below.
Director of Counseling & Family Services